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How to choose the good authority blog submission sites?

However, you can search thousands of blog submission sites out there but you need to filter the list. The reason is most of them are not active or they don’t have domain authority and have low page rank.

You are recommended not to use these sites for blog submission. If you are getting backlinks from these low-quality sites, your site may be penalized by Google.

The one more recommendation is don’t be greedy for the backlinks and have patience instead. Don’t use those blog submission sites which ask for a reciprocal link in exchange.

For your convenience, I have already shortlisted some of the top blog submission sites after perfect filtering. 

All these sites are guaranteed active and have high DA, PA, and excellent page ranking. With all these sites you will get the high-quality backlinks and hence natural traffic to your blog post or blog for free.

Advantages of blog submission sites

This section will clear the doubt of every newbie SEO’s if they don’t know the importance of high DA blog submission sites. Here, WPressBlog has mentioned a few amazing benefits of using blog submission sites in 2020

Quality Backlinks

The entire SEO techniques revolve around the opportunities to get high quality backlinks to your profitable blog or online business website. Without quality backlinks, it’s not possible to get a higher ranking in Google search engine result pages. Blog submission is one of the best off-page SEO techniques to build quality links for free.

Boost exposure

Blog submission sites with high domain authority play a very important role in offering you more exposure and traffic. While writing a blog, make sure for the quality, easily readable and informative content.

Thousands of bloggers as well as internet users come to the blog directories to find content online. If fortunately, they found your content and take interest to read, it will bring you more traffic from these sites.

Boost Domain Authority

Domain authority is one of the most vital quality factors for any blog or website. A blog or blog post with high domain authority is easily ranked by Google. Also, it stays at the top of the numerous searches.
It is a metric given by the MOZ team. Blog submission sites provide you with the quality backlinks and in turn, you get high domain authority to your blog for free.


On using this great High PR Blog Submission Sites List every blogger can get some high-quality backlinks to their sites to get good exposure and good visibility in Google.

Blog submission sites do not only give you high-quality backlinks, high-exposure, and good online presence, but it also assists you to bring some targeted traffic to your site

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